Friday, January 7, 2011

How To Raise A Value By Rounding Up A Value

Side note to the "Do You Know Where Your Strings Are" Series

Do you know where your strings are?
How To Raise A Value By Rounding Up A Value

With so much being valued in portions of pennies, is it any wonder the farthest damage I’m aware of in the consumer marketplace is the machines that flatten a penny for two quarters.  Whereas a plastic injection mold of a space craft or the bust of a United States President isn’t necessarily breaking any laws in exchange for the creation, the smushing of a penny is at odds with the premise that it is wrong to physically damage and/or alter the currency of a nation.  And although plastic molds are no longer the rage and craze, to trade 2 quarters for the opportunity to smush a penny seems like a poor investment of $.50 into the value of a penny.  Not only was a law pushed, but unless the sentimental value is somehow raised upwards, that smushed penny has far less value that any of the pennies currently lying upon pavement, let alone the top of the sands…and ya paid $.50 to boot!

Poking “funny money claims” towards the current and future purpose of a penny, it is within the various round-up practices that can make a penny act quite funny.  On the surface of the cent, it would appear to have .01 value.  What can be bought or sold for such a denomination no longer comes in the form of a gumball, but every corporation can rise and fall on the stock market by a mere penny.  In this circumstance, its in the build to the left of the decimal point that represents decision points and break points as to “worthiness” (dare I go the sponge worthiness direction?).  Buying a stock valued at a literal penny may not be worth the fee spread if you were to pick up the very next penny you find and then visiting your nearest broker (Paying a fee of even one dollar for the purchase of 100 shares of penny stock means you paid double the value of that penny stock).  With the trick being in the buying and selling at just the “right” moments, penny stocks are frequently an investment tool for those seeking to translate millions into more millions one trade at a time.

And yet, oddly enough, there is enough action far enough to the right of the decimal point to where grabbing a pair of scissors to cut up my pennies becomes a lot more attractive…at least on the surface.  If I can get 2 shares of one company for the cost of one penny, then the .005 price tag is kinda cool, right?  However, with rounding activities being more of a default programming position in which two places to the right of a decimal is the common, I might never know that a company has a .005 price tag on its stock because my software rounded up the number to a penny and I would have missed the 2 for 1 bargain!

A percentage of all accounting methods reflect at least one rounding process, which means that my unsmushed copper penny with the new 2010 back or front still possesses the 1 value in its count and that if the value of 1 copper penny still equates to .01, there is a bracket of companies I can theoretically go ahead and give my pennies to with the hopes of receiving a better return on such an investment relative to any other vehicle I have option to surrender my money to, including hiding it under a mattress (which would eventually cause some level of discomfort due to the bulk

With all of these pennies lying around, entirely accounted for from a manufacturing and initial distribution perspective, getting rid of the penny would only make it easier to justify further rounding upwards of the existing numbers…perhaps to turn towards metals perceived to be of more stable value…such as gold?

With Cash for Gold programs popping up in Internet pop-ups and free DTV television stations (just to name a few), why this type of a trend continues to operate with impunity and in a virtually imperceptible manner…but the idea of “Time to take away the gold, folks!  But keep the copper pennies as souvenirs and courtesy of Management” certainly paints the penny with its not-so-new depths and heights when it comes to the portions of the penny that create numeric volatility attached to some pretty powerful ideas and ideals, such as trading currency in a public marketplace structured loosely around an auctioneer format. 

Therefore pumping up the output of paper money does not necessarily ensure that the action of rounding when accounting for portions of pennies in the form of no less than that of the .01 designation cannot, has not and will not be maneuvered so profoundly off the rational scale of reason to where the round-ups from transactions in any format sets forth an entirely different scale of operational truth to where conundrums such as the Flash Crash (a.k.a. The Biddle Burst) represent a far more uncommon event than the forward effects of such an event.

So here’s a question.  What about setting up a system to encourage the conversion of a copper penny into one of the many contract-driven financial gambles available on the various exchanges?  How difficult would it be to set up storefronts able to take on the consolidation of pennies into purchases of stock in the stock market at a special rate available only if physical pennies are brought into the storefront?  Despite those who fear such unknown variables to enter this particular marketplace, aren’t there far more benefits to all investors if people stopped converting their jewelry into cash and instead were provided opportunity to invest their physical pennies in a jewelry store’s future success…or a company of their choice?  Isn’t that investing in our economy at a time when the projected maximum financial flow (or whatever it’s called) does not reflect what could happen if a flood of pennies were converted into the purchase of blocks of 100 stocks?  Whereas gold continues to fluctuate in the 2 and 3 digit range, this continued wave of ruse-filled calls for a consumer to quickly convert their gold to cash as a way and means of trying to make the ends of their days tie themselves over until the begin of their next days begins when calling for a cash-in of the penny in some ways satisfies the dreams of those who seek to remove such a dastardly instrument of finance while adjusting the value of the copper penny to where its paper-driven weight is at least equivalent to the .01 designation I am willing to still believe is represented in the copper penny.  Such a conversion process would need to have limits and perhaps a temporary or seasonal relationship with the public, which would allow for an educational time period in the whole process of investing in stocks in which the potential loss to the investor is limited in perspective with the value of a penny being that of .01 and that the exchanges and brokers can still extract enough fees to cover more than just operational costs without gouging into the percentages of pennies back into the pockets of the owner of the stocks.  Granted this might very well reduce exorbitant bonuses for employees to reinvest into the economy as they see fit (within the boundaries of law, of course), but it is far more likely that brokers and brokerage firms could see even greater returns on their own investments.  Since they need actual capital to enter their bookkeeping to work their sales magic, there would need to be coordinated consolidation of the physical penny and then what to do with such a concentrated quantity of the copper.  Although copper might be selling far lower than gold on the traditional exchanges, the buying and selling of currency is one of the additional vehicles available to convert a penny or two into maybe three or four and with the heavy push of potential investors towards the FOREX marketplace to begin with, this type of first transaction holds the potential for a human being to demonstrate that any of these historically recorded values are worth the salt and pepper projected to be purchased by someone in the next 30 days.  There are other forms and formats available to bundle up purchases above and beyond the dollar mark, or the 1.00 symbol, including blocks of 20, 50 and 100, thereby allowing an investor an opportunity to make their first decision on just how far and wide they want to diversify their portfolio, with perhaps a maximum 100 shares in any 24 hour period or some other delay mechanism between the logistics behind the physical conversion process (new jobs anyone?) and the associated costs (trains could be a great mechanism to transport the pennies and many car formats could be quickly(?) retrofitted to accept such a deposit (more new jobs paid for by the United States Penny anyone?).

Of course, I could really get ballsy and just make the quick additional point that all coins being included in such a call for the physical surrendering of the metal and the subsequent swap of United States currency to something other than on the ground, in the crevasses of a vehicle or the creases and cracks in a couch as but a few examples of just how little value the public sees in owning a real piece of United States Currency, let alone having much more reasonable barriers to converting such currency into owning a real piece of an organization located wherever in the world they operate within.

There are those that have saved their physical pennies and arrangements were made to use them to purchase a vehicle from a local dealership.

And then there are those who save their pennies to buy an engagement ring or some other piece of jewelry.

And then there are those who save their pennies to buy food.

And then there are those who save their pennies to buy shelter.

And then there are those who save their pennies to buy clothing.

And then there are those who save their pennies for any number of psychological triggers.

So basically the system comes across with a message that its quite okay for us to invest in these items from a consumer position only.  With locality still driving a percentage of options available, a consumer cannot send a message of at least momentary pleasure with a product, process, service, sector, etc. by buying into the idea that even a collection of pennies can rescue a company from the brink of bankruptcy, especially if the pennies are collected from a variety of sources.

Can you imagine a Penny Exchange open only one time period a year for new enrollment and changes?

No, I’m not talking symbolically about our current health care valuation system.

I mean establishing a variety of deposit locations in which people would have 50 weeks to save their pennies and 2 weeks to convert the pennies into stock purchases.  We already have people dropping off food into boxes for distribution to those already struggling to stretch their already limited short-term book value and many businesses frown upon an attempt to pay for a product in pennies.  With banks charging a fee for the “favor,” which perversely becomes no favor to the converter of the pennies and forces a a systematically inflated degree of desperation evaluation as to whether or not the local coin machines in supermarkets will take out less for the conversion than the price of taking the pennies to a currency exchange as but two other ways to loose the value of your surrendering your penny in order to convert it into more socially acceptable paper.  Can you imagine one of those coin machines fitted to transact a stock market purchase?  Maybe all companies listed on the exchanges pay a penny or two towards the physical transportation costs?  Many establishments already have installed machines with three or more scrolling images in an effort to promote the worth and value of trying to convert a (hopefully small) investment into a larger return, why can’t their be locations specifically designed to educate and train people in investing in the stock market, thereby fostering the human interaction element needed to sustain such an advanced and complex system of valuing anything and everything with at least one kind of value.

Personally, I see this as a national health care issue ‘cause according to my projections, the scenario-projected mental health costs associated with the conversion of a piece of gold jewelry in order to provide oneself a meal or two, let alone whatever the total currency was that was exchanged by surrendering the gold to a melting portal.  The idea that one must choose between owning a piece of jewelry that has been in their family for generations for food, especially in this economy, when there are so many penny stocks being bought and sold based solely on the number of ticks an index registers as a click of the “Search” button, why someone has to face a fee barrier so astronomical relative to the portions of pennies marketplace needing the capital to begin with relative to having ability to purchase in the same blocks of 100 or even a thousand the instant such value is held in the hand of the potential buyer.

It’s as if we’re supposed to look at the penny and just shake our heads sadly at the profound losses it will forever endure as the .01 of the American economy.

This is why rounding can become especially profound when working with the billion, trillion and quadrillion statements of value.  Sure the loss of a few copper pennies might look like no big deal, but each one has the chance to possibly double or triple in value if they are credited to an investment portfolio, which translates into more opportunity for consumers to consistently continue to purchase consumables as a straight-out, cash-out transaction rather than all of the additional bookkeeping necessary to track any receipt of donated food for those attempting to design a livable lifestyle on far less access to the pledges and promises flying all around them telling them that something may very well be too expensive for the person facing the choice.

The economic moral juxtaposition is commonly structured between guns or butter.  However, other parallels such as food or pharmaceuticals are no less profound in the offering of a battle between the priorities of a nation (although it can also apply to an individual as well), its pledged asset allocation relative to previous allocation of assets relative to the great unknown, and the potential to dial up and down the typically instinctive priority to put textbook law above moral obligation to keep alive a desire to want to seek out yet another meal as but one of many challenges senior citizens are facing as their biology continues to operate frequently out and away from the desired(?) norm.  The idea that a copper penny has no physical street value while it continues to be capitalized upon and used to purchase guns, butter, health care, energy, etc. that continue to be produced, etc.?

What an odd machine to build and distribute, right?  A penny-smushing machine for “entertainment purposes and subsequent sentimental value” with a similar skewing of the softness expected by the purchaser who had no idea physically damaging has legal repercussions, with the key being in so many exceptions to the rules restricting the manufacturing of physical metal currency for consistency purposes amongst those willing to trade with such forms of currency, including “special designs” of the copyrighted United States of America official emblem and other identifiers signaling that the surface differences will cause such currency to only rise in value due to everything else being entirely the same replication of the piece of metal currency, i.e. the “re-designed quarter” made of the same metal, size and shape, but due to the producer of such a “re-designed quarter,” there will be a ready marketplace ready to provide the value of such a “re-designed quarter” if only by the quarters ability to be deposited in a variety of machines, including that of a vending machine or even a parking meter.  Whoops!  Right size, shape, color and weight…how could I have possibly let one of those super-duper special “re-designed quarters” enter back into the financial system in such an unworthy manner when conversion value is gonna happen to the quarter and the value of a parking space can significantly trump the idea one should forgo such an idea.  Of course, the cost of a ticket for not feeding a meter could trump the idea of saving the quarter to a time better suited for unhurried and thoughtful conversion.

To assert a price tag in an auction-like setting to any possible item means I could assert that this particular blog entry is valued in the billions and whereas an assertion of fraud might come across as the most convenient of explanations, the final selling price at an auction is first brought forth through a starting bid.  Now if I was to propose a starting bid of but a mere copper penny for the right to implement such an idea, thousands (if not millions) of people could have choice and option into how they invest their copper pennies back into the economy, without me ever seeing a dime pass through my own hands.  That’s fine by me.

But to jump towards some sort of outrageous pricing technique attached to one mere blog entry to justify this entry being worth billions:

If stock brokers can help their investors stay just-above-broke by poking the pennies around through any combo of companies by their command, then the copper penny can help counterbalance these brokers by providing individual investors ability to poke a hole or two into the theory that the copper penny has so greatly lost its physical value, melting gold is the most effective and efficient way for someone a little short on value to gambling with their pennies in their possession for longer than a few hours before they’re off to yet another balance sheet…

Unless you become one of the Pennies Lost To the Environment.  Once a penny is dropped into the environment, the likelihood of someone willing to pick it up and give it at least a temporary home seems like more of a question of health status and whether or not the pain and agony of bending over to pick up even one copper penny relative to those willing to implement a variety of other techniques, including metal detectors and even the “Give a Penny, Take a Penny” trays.

I can get together a hundred pennies, but I am told it is too expensive of a transaction to conduct just for a buck’s worth of stocks.  But I am not sold on the idea that the value of copper has sunk so low that converting gold is a reasonable demand to supply the public with subtitles associated with such an idea being that of an “only” immediate dollar sign conversion matter, with the idea of it being an immediate transaction being the promotion of the act.

Gold jewelry converted into gold bars at a local storefront.  $20?  $30 bucks?  Maybe $50? 

Real copper pennies into an already penny-calculated/driven series of marketplaces, such as the stock exchanges?

Personal checks converted into short-term loans for a price?

“Here!  Take my hundred pennies and hold onto them for me for at least a minute or two, will ya?  You can access them any way you want, but just remember.  If you succeed at growing, then so should I.  Perhaps an additional penny for such thoughts?”

Real copper pennies are not exchanged in bulk to purchase the paper stocks are printed on, nor are they used in physical bulk to purchase the ink needed to print such financial instruments.

Real stock certificates are not immediately transferred in a physical sense the instant a transaction is made.  Reconciliation comes after the marketplace has closed its doors and then additional transfer activities transpire until the math adds up close enough to the rule book as anyone can reasonably discern and subsequently stamping the bookkeeping at least “closed” for the day. 

Real certificates exist and are staggered and scattered.

So are real copper pennies.

Isn’t it staggering to think of how many portions of pennies have been scattered across the world even though we don’t tend to feel copper pieces falling on our heads?

Of course, the tin foil headgear I’ve fashioned for such an event could be blocking my internal sensors from feeling such a rainfall from above.

Which means the assigned value of this particular blog entry may never rise above the penny or two mark in terms of fair market currency value, but the .01 designation for currency valuation being re-attached to the copper penny long enough to convert such metal into its equivalent value in the stock market community is a billion-dollar marketplace with a multitude of 3rd party cooperation connections acting as the conductor for such a truly valuable commodity as is found within the .01 value still being bookkeeped as copper pennies, unless there are currency swaps going on and such and such.

Maybe it’s a 14 day free-for-all in which all trades are restricted to certain percentages to ensure no one can crash the board to a false read of perhaps even zero value across the board in which only copper penny-driven sales can move the market.  Automated inflations and deflations would/could temporarily influence results of a perspective of an unattractive outcome, of which existing prediction models would not need the significant adjustment, rather then adjustments being made by an unexpected entry into the stock market and the subsequent influence assigned to this one mere line item transaction.

And maybe I’m just still amazed at the valuation processes being rounded up and then rounded out to the nearest round (or square) table for further analysis on how to further capitalize and italicize how worthless the copper penny is while pointing out gold prices are summarized in the ounces.

And maybe the collected copper pennies have to travel no further than a locality in which they can be re-cleaned and re-circulated back into the local economies since the .01 valuation as a benchmark is certainly here to stay, so why not keep using something already in existence and just in need of some cleaning and a little shine…they still count for something or other…right?

Why not have a process to better trade on the .01 value by entrusting our copper pennies to the Wall Street community that has done such a phenomenal job with our pennies to date, according to all of their papers accounting for their activities?  They’ve managed to aggregate the numbering system into the trillions so that current owners of stock certificates still believe in their place and purpose in our system of assigning financial valuation to any individual at any given moment in pure hash mark format. 

And with stocks running in the .005 range, there is a different round-up when there is a purchase of 100 shares of stock priced at this level, to which the .05 cents value from the transaction might seem like no big deal, but once you have a portfolio containing hundreds of shares in hundreds of companies, even a silver nickel or dime begins to look a little more appealing to an investor buying and selling in the Penny Stock Marketplace.

Either you have a hundred copper pennies to play with or you don’t and if you came to play, why the copper penny continues to endure such psychological rejection in exchange for what?  A cartoon-like image smacking of symbolism towards pictures reflecting “This is a stick-up.  Give me all of your gold jewelry!” comparative to the more unlikely scenario of “This is a stick-up!  Give me all of your copper pennies!?”

I cannot help but think that we haven’t been stuck with the copper penny all these years as the negative penny-smushing machine implies.  Instead, the copper penny has been considered the weapon of choice in a variety of stick-ups being performed to further liquidate the holdings of any individual regardless of their location, most preferably the individual human, but not exclusive to a human as an individual and/or as part of a collective, such as with the price-fixing schematics affixed to the various stock exchanges over the years, let alone the penny-hopping positioning of a broker even/especially in this automated era.

But what do I know about properly valuing a tangible like the penny when I have no problem proposing this idea to be of worth in the billions and providing no further details that what is scribed above.

It’s not like I have the real copper pennies to further extend this theory.

And now I don’t even have the thought to sell for even a penny since my blog is not monetized except under circumstances as prescribed in the various TOS agreements of which said third parties can and will collect income should a reader of this content opt to click on a hyperlink not provided by me.

Or is it mere credit that is recorded rather than income?

Either way, the United States copper penny will have to probably wait yet another day to be adjusted one way or another until the Bending the Penny With Your Mind illusion is put to bay because more people chose to say to one another that even the passing of a penny or two can enhance the luck and goodwill of another.

And to think there is even a legend to go along with all of this by saying that if you find a penny face-up, it is yours to keep, but if the back of the penny is what is pointing up, then it should be given to someone else.  What does the value of a penny while lying on a sidewalk change depending upon its face-up or face-down position?

That’s like saying to someone, “I’m going to throw this stock certificate up in the air.  If it falls ink-up, its yours to keep and if the ink is facing downward, then its mine.  Ready to take the gamble?  It’s time to invite some Digital Paper Pushers to rescue you should you have trouble adjusting to the result!  Ignore that little splotch of ink on the blank side.  That's just seepage from the inkjet printer using the other side and doesn't count..."

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